Negi, Pawan Singh and Basha, B Munwar
Effect of sample size and compaction density on SWCC by a fixed-matrix porous ceramic disc sensor.
Masters thesis, Indian institute of technology Hyderabad.
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In the present study, the primary focus is made on soil suction, which is one of the most vital energies available in the soil system. This energy can be used as soil stress to increase the strength of the soil. The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) is a predefined property for the unsaturated soil mechanics, which deals with the suction variation in the soil with the moisture content. In the present study, the effect of dry density on the soil and the effect of compaction energy on the soil mass are presented. The black cotton soil collected from IITH is used in the present study. The suction study is carried out on wetting and drying of the sample which shows the multiple wetting and drying cycle in the soil system. Further the hysteresis behavior of the SWCC to quantify the effect of drying and wetting on the soil matric suction is presented. The size effect is also carried out using two different mould. In all the tests MPS-6 fixed pore-ceramic disc sensor are used to determine the suction in the soil. In addition, the obtained suction values are compared using different methods like filter paper method and dew point potentiometer. The results revealed that MPS-6 sensors have proven to be efficient for the suction measurement. Moreover, slope stability analysis has been carried out in order to evaluate the effect of density on the unsaturated soil slopes. Generally, slope analysis incorporates the saturated condition but in most of the engineered slope where the water table is much lower and slip surface passes through the unsaturated soil zone the effect of capillary potential exist and which can be used to increase the factor of safety of the slope. The results indicate that, there is a significant influence of density on the SWCC which in turn influences the unsaturated slope stability
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