A comprehensive assessment of minimum quantity lubrication machining from quality, production, and sustainability perspectives

Banerjee, Nilanjan and Sharma, Abhay (2018) A comprehensive assessment of minimum quantity lubrication machining from quality, production, and sustainability perspectives. Sustainable Materials and Technologies. pp. 1-26. ISSN 2214-9937 (In Press)

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T h e a rti cle pres ent s m i nim u m q uanti ty l ub ri cati o n (MQ L ) machini ng o f T i- 6 Al -4V in a co l lect ive fr amew o r k o f mul ti ple ob j e ct i ve s - qu al it y (su rfa ce ro ug hness ) , enviro nm ental f ri e ndli ne ss (specifi c cutt i n g ener gy, t o o l w e ar, and o i l co nsumpt ion), and pr o duct io n (mat e rial r em o val ra t e and too l wear ). In o ne o f the f i r st o f i ts ki nd , t h e pr op ose d app ro ach uses c utt i n g fl uid p ara m eter s (oil qu ant it y in the o il +air m i x t ur e, air pr essu re, and pr op or t ion o f o i l at the r ake and f l an k f ace) alo ng w it h machini ng par amet e rs i n m ult i-ob j e ct i ve met a -heur i sti c o pti mi zati o n. T h e i nve st igat ion r evea l s t h at the thr ee o b j e c t ives a re dist inct functi o ns o f pr oce ss i np ut s . T hu s, f ocus o n o ne o f t h e o bjecti ve s - q uali ty , pr o ducti o n, and e nvi r onmental as pect s - h ampers t h e o t he rs. A r easo nab l e b alance be t ween the thre e a spect s ca n b e a chi eve d thr ou gh sim ult a neo us o pt im iz ati o n. Pre ci s e co nt r ol o ver cut ti ng f l uid par amet e rs, esp eci all y t h e o i l pr o po rti o n at r ak e and flank f ace, i s a m ajo r factor that helps in im pr o v i ng enviro nm ental fr i end l iness and p ro ducti vit y. T h e findi ng s o f the i nvest i g at ion w il l be use ful fo r pr epar i ng a gui d el ine fo r si mul taneo us select i o n of machi ning and cu t ti ng flui d par amet e rs fo r e cono mi c a nd enviro nm ental vi a ble m anu fact u re o f q uali ty pr o duct s .

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Minimum quantity lubrication; Metaheuristic optimization; Quality; Environmental friendly machining; Sustainable manufacturing
Subjects: Others > Mechanics
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2018 05:44
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2018 05:44
URI: http://raiithold.iith.ac.in/id/eprint/4199
Publisher URL: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.susmat.2018.e00070
OA policy: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2214-9937/
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