Sahoo, N and Sahu, Narendra
Singlet-Doublet Fermionic Dark Matter, Neutrino Mass and Collider Signatures.
pp. 1-14.
We propose a minimal extension of the standard model (SM) by including a scalar triplet with
hypercharge 2 and two vector-like leptons: one doublet and a singlet, to explain simulatenously
the non-zero neutrino mass and dark matter (DM) content of the Universe. The DM emerges out
as a mixture of the neutral component of vector-like lepton doublet and singlet, being odd under
a discrete
symmetry. After electroweak symmetry breaking the triplet scalar gets an induced
vev, which give Majorana masses not only to the light neutrinos but also to the DM. Due to the
Majorana mass of DM, the
mediated elastic scattering with nucleon is forbidden. However, the
Higgs mediated direct detection cross-section of the DM gives an excellent opportunity to probe it
at Xenon-1T. The DM can not be detected at collider. However, the charged partner of the DM
(often next-to-lightest stable particle) can give large dispalced vertex signature at the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC).
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