Effect of polypropylene fibre reinforcement on the consolidation, swell and shrinkage behaviour of lime-blended expansive soil

Moghal, A A B and Chittoori, B C S and Basha, B Munwar and Al-Mahbashi, A M (2017) Effect of polypropylene fibre reinforcement on the consolidation, swell and shrinkage behaviour of lime-blended expansive soil. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. ISSN 1938-6362 (In Press)

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In this article, synthetic fibres in the presence of lime stabilisation are proposed as an alternative to overcome the issues related to shrink-swell distress in expansive soils. Two types of synthetic fibres, Fiber Cast® (FC) and Fiber Mesh® (FM), were studied by conducting one-dimensional fixed ring Oedometer swell-consolidation and bar linear shrinkage tests. Three dosages (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% by weight of soil) and two lengths of the fibres (6 and 12 mm) were evaluated with and without lime treatments. The results indicated that FC fibres had better swell restricting performance in the absence of lime treatment, while in the presence of lime both fibres had similar performance in reducing swelling. Shrinkage tests results showed that irrespective of dosage levels, both the fibres had pronounced effect in reducing the linear shrinkage strains up on lime treatment. Non-linear best fit equations have been proposed to relate compression index (Cc) and recompression index (Cr) of expansive clay deposits with and without lime treatment to amount and dosage of FC and FM reinforcements. The proposed non-linear fit provides a mean for recognising, more efficiently, the patterns in the experimental data and predicting the compression indices, Cc and Cr reliably.

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Expansive soils, Fibre reinforcement, Lime, Swell index, Compression index, Void ratio, Linear shrinkage strain, Regression analysis
Subjects: Civil Engineering > Soil Structure Interaction
Divisions: Department of Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 20 Mar 2017 04:49
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2017 06:03
URI: http://raiithold.iith.ac.in/id/eprint/3098
Publisher URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/19386362.2017.1297002
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