Median statistics estimates of Hubble and Newton's Constant

Bethapudi, S and Desai, Shantanu (2017) Median statistics estimates of Hubble and Newton's Constant. European Physical Journal Plus, 132 (2-78). ISSN 2190-5444

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Robustness of any statistics depends upon the number of assumptions it makes about the measured data. We point out the advantages of median statistics using toy numerical experiments and demonstrate its robustness, when the number of assumptions we can make about the data are limited. We then apply the median statistics technique to obtain estimates of two constants of nature, Hubble Constant (H0) and Newton's Gravitational Constant(G), both of which show significant differences between different measurements. For H0, we update the analysis done by Chen and Ratra (2011) and Gott et al. (2001) using 576 measurements. We find after grouping the different results according to their primary type of measurement, the median estimates are given by H0=72.5+2.5−8 km/sec/Mpc with errors corresponding to 95% c.l. (2σ) and G=6.674702+0.0014−0.0009×10−11Nm2kg−2 corresponding to 68% c.l. (1σ).

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Desai, Shantanu
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: VALUES; H-0
Subjects: Physics > Astronomy Astrophysics
Divisions: Department of Physics
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2017 05:30
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2017 07:03
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