Working and Limitations of Cable Stiffening in Flexible Link Manipulators

Dixit, R and R, Prasanth Kumar (2016) Working and Limitations of Cable Stiffening in Flexible Link Manipulators. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, 2016. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1687-6261

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Rigid link manipulators (RLMs) are used in industry to move and manipulate objects in their workspaces. Flexible link manipulators (FLMs), which are much lighter and hence highly flexible compared to RLMs, have been proposed in the past as means to reduce energy consumption and increase the speed of operation. Unlike RLM, an FLM has infinite degrees of freedom actuated by finite number of actuators. Due to high flexibility affecting the precision of operation, special control algorithms are required to make them usable. Recently, a method to stiffen FLMs using cables, without adding significant inertia or adversely affecting the advantages of FLMs, has been proposed as a possible solution in a preliminary work by the authors. An FLM stiffened using cables can use existing control algorithms designed for RLMs. In this paper we discuss in detail the working principle and limitations of cable stiffening for flexible link manipulators through simulations and experiments. A systematic way of deciding the location of cable attachments to the FLM is also presented. The main result of this paper is to show the advantage of adding a second pair of cables in reducing overall link deflections.

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R, Prasanth KumarUNSPECIFIED
Item Type: Article
Subjects: ?? sub4.9 ??
Divisions: Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2016 09:54
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2016 09:54
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