Mustafa, H D and Karamchandani, S H and Merchant, S N and Desai, U B
tuPOY: Thermally Unstable Partially Oriented Yarns.
Advanced Structured Materials
Springer, India.
ISBN 978-81-322-2632-1
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The mathematical characterization of a concept embeds a logical element in it, giving the invention a concrete structure. The conducting and radiating properties of tuPOY are given a mathematical emblem in this chapter. The behavioral pattern of tuPOY to a stimuli and its subsequent molecular state change variation due to its conduction, and radiation properties are mathematically modeled, providing an insight into its metallic behavior. A new mathematical concept of interchange phenomenon at molecular level is proposed to support the claims. The numerical manifestations spout a gamut of operations of tuPOY in technologies of future.
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