Y V P, Kumar and R, Bhimasingu and B, Ramakrishna and A, Avula
Switch automation of smart devices between test beds using distributed control system.
In: International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies, ICCICCT 2014, 10-11 July, 2014, Noorul Islam UniversityKanyaKumari District, Tamil Nadu.
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This paper proposes the method of automating the process for switching of smart devices between different test beds using Distributed Control System (DCS). An asset maintenance application helps the maintenance personals to maintain smart devices in process industry. Using this application a maintenance operator can perform device specific maintenance activities like calibration, device configuration, offline configuration, audit trail, and etc. Smart devices are shared between Development and Testing teams during project development life cycle of an asset maintenance application. This activity requires frequent sharing of smart devices between different test beds. Exchange of these devices is presently carried out manually by removing the device from one test bed and connecting to another test bed. This process requires expertise and involves lots of man hours. Besides, other problems like loose connections, non standardized wiring, and etc., may occur. To avoid these issues, the proposal is to automate this process of switching operation among devices using DCS and relay cards. Required control actions for this process will be implemented through DCS. User interface screens are developed in DCS to choose required switching among devices using relay cards.
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