G, Rajesh Babu
Attendance Maintenance Using Face Recognition Technique.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
In any class room attendance maintenance is a hectic task for teacher, they need to call roll no or
name. Based on the response and identication, they record the attendance for the student. Au-
tomatic attendance maintenance system is challenging task because person identication in images
is a dicult task. To solve the problem of identifying a person in images, some statistical based
techniques are used such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Principal Component Analy-
sis(PCA), LDA(Linear Discriminate analysis) etc. Biometric based techniques such as identication
by iris, nger prints, face detection etc., are the most widely used techniques in computers. Our
main motive is to maintain attendance in an organization by using face recognition technique. In
Face recognition technique, the system learns the facial features and identies the human face in
images. The Automation of attendance maintenance was implemented in two phases: image cap-
turing and person identication . To capture the images we used Fire-i camera and for person face
identication, we used PCA technique.
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