Roy, Shubho Ranjan and Sarkar, Debajyoti
Holographic bulk reconstruction with α ′ corrections.
Physical Review D, 96.
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 2470-0010
We outline a holographic recipe to reconstruct α0 corrections to anti–de Sitter (AdS) (quantum) gravity
from an underlying CFT in the strictly planar limit (N → ∞). Assuming that the boundary CFT can be
solved in principle to all orders of the ’t Hooft coupling λ, for scalar primary operators, the λ−1 expansion of the conformal dimensions can be mapped to higher curvature corrections of the dual bulk scalar field
action. Furthermore, for the metric perturbations in the bulk, the AdS=CFT operator-field isomorphism
forces these corrections to be of the Lovelock type. We demonstrate this by reconstructing the coefficient of
the leading Lovelock correction, also known as the Gauss-Bonnet term in a bulk AdS gravity action using
the expression of stress-tensor two-point function up to subleading order in λ−1.
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