Holay, Sarang Abhay
Developing a 3D incompressible vof based multiphase solver using OpenFOAM libraries.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
In the recent past open source analysis software have been on the demand for
studying various phenomenon related to uids and solids. To counter act the
booming prices of commercial CFD and FEM toolkits, open source software pro-
vide the key. In the eld of computational uid dynamics, open source cfd toolkit
, OpenFOAM (Open source Field Operation And Manipulation) is a viable al-
ternative to commercial cfd toolkits like FLUENT, StarCCM+, etc.
In the following thesis, an attempt has been made to address standard droplet
breakup problem using OpenFOAM. The thesis aims at developing an incom-
pressible multiphase vof (volume of uid) based solver which works on a SMAC
algorithm, using the native OpenFoam libraries.
The native vof solver of OpenFOAM and the newly developed explicit solver are
tested against standard benchmark cases like 3D lid driven cavity, vortex in a
box, dual vortex stretching, spurious currents, square bubble to circle, cubical
bubble to sphere, dual vortex stretching and droplet splashing and compared in
terms of accuracy and computational time. This knowledge led to deciding upon
optimum case setup parameters which was then used to address the problem at
hand: droplet breakup.
For the droplet breakup analysis, two droplets with di erent diameters ratios
were allowed to collide for di erent Reynolds number and Weber numbers. The
collisions were also studied for di erent o sets parameters.
Apart from above standard cases, other important features of OpenFOAM such
as di erent linear solvers, numerical schemes, multicore operational capabilities,
dynamic mesh re nement and static mesh re nement were also tested and re-
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