Zargar, Suheel Mohd
Investigations on Imaging of Biological samples through Random Media.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Imaging through a highly random media e.g. biological tissue has been one of the prime challenges in the field of optical imaging. Developing optical techniques for imaging through highly turbid media has potential applications mostly in the areas of astronomy and biomedical research and medical care. Over the years numerous efforts have been laid down in the direction of developing optical techniques which can detect the area of interest hidden in the scattering layers.One of the solutions for imaging under turbid media can be derived from the statistical properties of the laser speckle. Shape and Size of the laser speckle carries significant information of scatters and thus can provide a solution to the challenges of optical imaging in highly random scattering media. From Statistical approach, incoherent source is related with far field speckle distribution by Van-Cittert Zernike theorem. A method for imaging through the scattering medium is suggested and demonstrated using principle of speckle holography and intensity correlation technique.
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