P, Praveen Kumar
Assessment of Mass-Transfer Effects and Elementary Reaction Scheme for Catalytic Reactors.
PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology.
Catalytic combustion is carried out in a tubular reactor of radius in the order of millimeters and a
length of around 10 centimeters in presence of catalysts Rhodium and Platinum. For mass transfer
coe�cient calculation in the modeling of mass transfer between the bulk of the
uid to the surface,
correlations developed by Tronconi and Forzatti(1992) are used. The results shows that the assump-
tion stating both the bulk concentration and concentration at the surface are same, deviates from
the actual scenario. The combustion is actually slow than what PFR predicts when we observed
the mass transfer limited catalytic combustion. A discrepancy is observed with the mechanism of
methane partial combustion in the presence of Rhodium catalyst in terms of the concentrations
of CO2 and H2O mole fractions, the mechanism gives more CO2 and H2O than the equilibrium
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