Kamath, N and Tamma, Bheemarjuna Reddy
IP Flow Mobility based Offload in LTE Wi-Fi Interworking Scenario.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology.
Mobile data traffic has seen an exponential growth in the past few years with the trend expected
to continue. LTE as a standalone cellular network is unable to keep pace with the increasing
traffic demands. In the meanwhile, wireless LAN has proven itself as an economical wireless access
technology. 3GPP has thus been encouraged to standardize the integration of Wi-Fi networks with
LTE. This opens up numerous opportunities to study data offloading and mobility management
protocols. One of the newer offloading technique is known as IP Flow Mobility, where individual
IP flows are migrated from one network to the other without affecting other flows belonging to the
same IP session. In this thesis work, a framework has been developed on ns-3 which supports flow
mobility between LTE and Wi-Fi. This framework is based on PMIPv6.
This flow mobility framework provides an opportunity to implement various algorithms to decide
which network is used to serve which flows while trying maintain a balance between bandwidth
utilization and user satisfaction. One such algorithm has been proposed here for a network consisting
of LTE and Wi-Fi. This algorithm calculates a quality value for each flow on the network using
parameters like flow type, SNR, velocity of the user, etc and tries to offload these flows onto either
network based on the flow’s quality value.
A simple simulation is carried out which validates the implementation of the framework, where
a TCP flow is migrated to a Wi-Fi network from the LTE network based on the SNR of the Wi-Fi
network. It also shows how the velocity of a UE affects the percentage of offload which can be
achieved and how the flow’s performance is affected by the offload.
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