Javvadi, S C P
Resilient Behavior of Fly ash Treated Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
This study evaluates the use of reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP) as a base course
in flexible pavements. This study looked at the resilient behavior of RAP mixtures
with addition of fly ash and virgin aggregates. The effect of fly ash dosage, aggregate
content and curing period on resilient modulus were clearly studied. The reclaimed
asphalt pavements material used in this study came from an ongoing project at Nellore
district in Andhra Pradesh on National Highway 5 (NH5), the fly ash came from
Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC), a thermal power station at Tamil Nadu, and
virgin aggregates were taken from nearby quarry in Kandi village at Andhra Pradesh.
MORTH gradation was used as a control materials.
Physical properties were determined in the laboratory in controlled environment and
the whole RAP and virgin aggregates were divided according to MORTH specified
sizes. Modified proctor compaction tests were performed on the mixtures prepared by
maintaining MORTH gradation to determine optimum moisture content – maximum
dry unit weight relationship of 100% RAP material. For mixing the fly ash in mixture
two different techniques (addition technique and replacement technique) were tried
and addition method is considered to be appropriate technique. The specimens were
prepared with 100% RAP material with fly ash dosage from 10% to 40% in 10%
interval for resilient modulus (Mr) test, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test
and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test. After casting, the specimens were stored in
a specially designed stability chamber for curing. The specimens were tested for 1, 7
and 28 day curing periods. The resilient modulus tests were performed in a fully
automatic cyclic triaxial equipment in accordance with test procedure given in
AASHTO T 307-99, 2003. For gaining better strength the aggregates were mixed in
the mixture and the same tests were performed on all the mixtures. The effect of fly
ash content on the resilient modulus of RAP and RAP – virgin aggregates (VA) were
evaluated. Increase in resilient modulus was observed in both mixtures. The similar
trends were observed with increase in deviatoric stress, confining stress and curing
period. For evaluating the effect of virgin aggregate on resilient modulus of RAP
mixtures, two different mix compositions were considered. One mix composition
consists of 80% RAP material and 20% VA material and another mix composition
consists of 60% RAP material and 40% VA. A decreasing trend was observed in the
resilient modulus of RAP mixtures with increase in aggregate content. It was observed
that with increase in fly ash content UCS was increased. The similar trends were
observed with increase in aggregate content, and curing period. The retained strength
and CBR were also shown similar results. From the CBR values, the resilient modulus
values were calculated using correlations given in IRC: 37, 2012 and compared with
resilient modulus values which were directly determined by using fully automatic
cyclic triaxial equipment. The comparison has shown that the calculated resilient
modulus were showing comparatively very less resilient modulus than experimental
results. From the experimental results of resilient modulus, the design parameters
(layer coefficients and regression coefficients) were calculated, which are the main
design inputs for the software like KENLAYER and IITPAVE for the design of
flexible pavements.
Overall, it was found that the RAP cannot be used as base materials in its original
composition due to lack of bonding and shearing resistance. However, better mixes
can be prepared by replacing certain portion of RAP with VA. Further improvement
can be achieved by stabilizing the mixes with calcium rich fly ashes.
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