Scolnic, D and Smith, M and Desai, Shantanu and et al, .
Supernova Siblings: Assessing The Consistency of Properties of Type IA Supernovae That Share The Same Parent Galaxies.
While many studies have shown a correlation between properties of the light curves of Type Ia SN
(SNe Ia) and properties of their host galaxies, it remains unclear what is driving these correlations.
We introduce a new direct method to study these correlations by analyzing ‘parent’ galaxies that host
multiple SNe Ia ‘siblings’. Here, we search the Dark Energy Survey SN sample, one of the largest
samples of discovered SNe, and find 8 galaxies that hosted two likely Type Ia SNe. Comparing the
light-curve properties of these SNe and recovered distances from the light curves, we find no better
agreement between properties of SNe in the same galaxy as any random pair of galaxies, with the
exception of the SN light-curve stretch. We show at 2.8σ significance that at least 1/2 of the intrinsic
scatter of SNe Ia distance modulus residuals is not from common host properties. We also discuss the
robustness with which we could make this evaluation with LSST, which will find 100× more pairs of
galaxies, and pave a new line of study on the consistency of Type Ia supernovae in the same parent
galaxies. Finally, we argue that it is unlikely some of these SNe are actually single, lensed SN with
multiple images.
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