Adachi, I and Ahlburg, P and Giri, Anjan Kumar and et al, .
Search for an invisibly decaying Z′ boson at Belle II in e+e−→μ+μ−(e±μ∓) plus missing energy final states.
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Theories beyond the standard model often predict the existence of an additional neutral boson,the Z′. Using data collected by the Belle II experiment during 2018 at the Super KEKB collider,we perform the first searches for the invisible decay of a Z′in the process e+e−→μ+μ−Z′and of a lepton-flavor-violating Z′in e+e−→e±μ∓Z′. We do not find any excess of events and set 90%credibility level upper limits on the cross sections of these processes. We translate the former, in 4the framework of anLμ−Lτtheory, into upper limits on theZ′coupling constant at the level of5×10−2÷1forMZ′≤6 GeV/c2
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