Naresh, Vemishetty and Acharyya, Amit
Robust Real-time Automated Cardiac Remote Health Care Monitoring System-on-chip Architecture.
PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
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Cardiovascular diseases healthcare monitoring systems have gained signi_cant importance
in recent years owing to their tremendous challenge for portable personal
health analysis. With the consideration of portable remote monitoring, it is necessary
to develop the remote Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) device having low form
factor, consuming minimal power for the prolonged battery life and the device should
be reliable enough to extract the signi_cant clinical features for the cardiovascular
diseases classi_cation and prediction at an a_ordable cost.
This thesis primarily focused on working in developing di_erent classi_cation techniques
and integrating them to make a generic algorithm and develop the novel
System-On-Chip (SoC) architecture in a low complex way by resource sharing concept.
Thus the whole system can cover various ECG abnormalities and _nally come
up with the prototype board which looks similar to as a smartphone at the patient
end. The SoC architecture is designed using ARM Cortex M0+ for cardiac remote
health monitoring which does process and classi_es the ECG signal, Cortex M0+ Processor
based Cortex M0+ System Design Kit(CMSDK) is used for designing the SoC
architecture. The proposed novel ARM CM0+ based SoC features the combination
of proposed processing algorithms which is _ve folded modeling and implemented in
After the data sensing, as a part of processing, _rstly the proposed Boundary
Detection (BD) methodology is applied on the continuous _ltered ECG waveform to
identify the start and end boundaries of individual ECG beats. Secondly, the proposed
Feature Extraction (FE) methodology extracts the clinical features (amplitude,
duration, polarity) of characteristic waves such as P-wave, QRS-complex, T-wave,
and the interval features between the characteristic waves from each ECG beat. The
third step involves in automatic detection of fragmented QRS (f-QRS) followed by
identi_cation of various morphologies of the QRS complex. Compressing the ECG
data using the proposed hybrid compression methodology and the compressed data is
stored on the SoC itself is the fourth step. The compressed ECG data is transmitted
either at regular intervals of half an hour or depends on the condition of Rule Engine
(RE) output which is the _fth processing block of SoC. RE takes the outcome of BD,
FE, and f-QRS as input and compares with the standard clinical values to classify
the patient condition. If any abnormality is detected from the RE block, the communication
module will be triggered and the compressed ECG data is transmitted
by the device to a centralized facility via cloud where a doctor or a high-performance
computational unit is present. The compressed ECG data is decompressed at the
doctor end for further prediction of ECG abnormality using Phase Space Reconstruction
based detection and classi_cation to predict the life-threatening condition using
the localized features (PR interval, QRS complex and QT interval) of the ECG signal
and takes necessary action if the condition of the patient is critical. Hardware
and software partitioning of processing methodologies is done for the implementation
of SoC, where BD, FE and f-QRS methodologies are coded in software as a part of
SoC and the hybrid compression block is considered as an APB hardware peripheral
to the ARM CM0+ processor based CMSDK. To validate the SoC design, the ECG
data is taken from the publically available database PTBDB, MITDB, CSEDB and
from the in-house developed 12 lead ECG acquisition board with ADC con_guration
of 1 KHz sampling frequency and each sample of 16-bit data. The veri_cation of the
entire SoC design is done using VCS of Synopsys tool, the hexadecimal _le of C code
(.hex) which uses CMSIS standard header _les of the CMSDK is generated using DS5
Compiler. The SoC design has been implemented in UMC 180nm technology and operated
at 1 MHz with V dd 1.8V, resulting in power consumption of 14.66 mW and
occupying the area 13.767 mm2 are calculated using the Synopsys design compiler
tool. The entire design is prototyped on Virtex7 FPGA and the utilization of the
resources are tabulated in the result section.
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