Tiwari, P
Flash Aware Database Management System.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
Flash Memory is valued in many application as a storage media due to its fast
access speed, low power, nonvolatile characteristics.Our survey report will contain
characteristics of
ash disk, architechture of
ash disk, various indexing structure
for magnetic disk and
ash disk, storage techniques for hard disk and magnetic
disk and query processing techniques for
ash disk. we have explored detail survey
of storage, indexing and query processing techniques developed to make database
ash aware. We have implemented most of the techniques in a database
system prototype named Mubase developed at IITH. We present some experimental
results on TPC-H dataset demonstrating the benets due to the
ash aware storage
query processing techniques. We have implemented FD - Tree index structure for
ash disk on prototyped named Mubase.
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