Peddinti, Srinivasa Rao and Kambhammettu, B P and Sanaga, S and et al, .
Role of climate variables and spectral indices in characterizing ecosystem water use efficiency of flood irrigated citrus orchards.
In: AGU Fall Meet, 11-15 December 2017, USA.
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Exchange of carbon and water fluxes between vegetation and atmosphere play a crucial role in the metabolism of terrestrial ecosystems. These exchanges are coupled through a key ecosystem characteristic called water use efficiency (WUE): the ratio between carbon assimilation (proxy to photosynthesis) to water loss (proxy to consumptive use). Globally, India ranks fourth in mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata) production, but ranks 64th in orange crop yield. The dichotomy between crop production and yield can be attributed to erratic rainfall and improper management practices. This research aims at analysing the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of WUE, and their dominant controls for the citrus orchards of central India. Eddy covariance (EC) technique was used to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary product (GPP) fluxes in a flood irrigated, matured, healthy citrus orchard for one crop cycle. Seasonal variations in ET and GPP were observed to be strongly influenced by leaf phonological parameters and less by climate variables. Landsat-8 images were used to extrapolate and scale-up the in situ fluxes to characterize the ecosystem WUE. Overall, Landsat-8 has reasonably captured ET, GPP, and WUE dynamics at the flux tower location (R2 ≥0.86). Spatiotemporal patterns of ET, GPP, and WUE fluxes reveals that the heterogeneity is gradually increasing from flowering to development stage. A number of vegetation, soil, and biophysical indices derived from Landsat-8 were then correlated with WUE estimates, to see if these indices either in solitary or in combination can explain WUE dynamics of citrus orchards. Results conclude that, spatial patterns in WUE are strongly correlated with enhanced vegetation index (EVI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI). Spectral indices derived WUE estimates were further used to develop sustainable agricultural management practices applicable to the region.
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