Gothwal, R and T, Shashidhar
PhD thesis, Indian institute of technology Hyderabad.
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Antibiotics are the products of rapid innovations in the health sector, and their usage has changed
the pattern of the modern way of living. Ever since it has been recognized that they can be used
as a medicine to treat and prevent infectious diseases, their market has been expanding out of
bounds. The manufacturing plants were established majorly in developing countries to match the
increasing demands. The main pathway for antibiotics to enter into aquatic environment is
considered from hospitals and domestic sewage in developed countries. Whereas, improper
disposal of effluents of bulk drug manufacturing units is the major pathway for antibiotics to
enter into aquatic environment in developing countries. There are several bulk drug
manufacturing industries in and around Hyderabad (India), and common effluent treatment
plants to treat their effluents. The treated effluent is mixed with the domestic sewage at
Amberpet wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and then drained into the Musi River.
This study was about the occurrence and distribution of Fluoroquinolone antibiotic, and to
understand the prevalence its resistant bacteria contamination in Musi river. The improper
disposal of bulk drug manufacturing units can cause high levels of antibiotic contamination in
the river, which in return might result in becoming an active site for the spread of drug
resistance. Seven fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, lomefloxacin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin,
enrofloxacin, pefloxacin and difloxacin) were selected as target antibiotics due to the presence of
their production facilities in the area, and their presence was also confirmed by a preliminary
analysis for fluoroquinolones in the sludge of domestic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). In
addition to antibiotics, heavy metals also act as selective agents and promoting the antibiotic
resistance. Hence nine heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Pb) and other
pollution parameters were quantified as well as correlated. Multiple regression analyses were
also performed to find out the functional relationship between pollution parameters (antibiotic,
heavy metal, total organic carbon, susceptible bacteria, resistant bacteria), which might affect the
resistant culture directly and indirectly. The results of the study provided information that
concentration of fluoroquinolones was found to be a thousand-fold higher than the usual
concentrations found in rivers of developed countries. The research findings also indicated that
anthropogenic impacts could promote the spread of resistant bacteria, as positive correlation was
observed with the presence of fluoroquinolone and heavy metals.
For a better understanding of the relationship between fluoroquinolones and resistant bacteria, a
mathematical model was developed for temporal and spatial transport of the fluoroquinolones
antibiotics and resistance gene carrying bacteria in the aquatic environment of the river. It
included state variables for organic matter, heavy metals, fluoroquinolones, susceptible and
resistant bacteria in the water column and sediment bed. This model included plasmid dynamics,
as mobile resistance genes are majorly being carried on plasmids and these plasmid-mediated
resistance genes are transferable between different bacterial species by conjugation (horizontal
resistance transfer). The processes in the model comprised of advection, dispersion, adsorption,
diffusion, degradation, settling, re-suspension, microbial growth rate, segregation and transfer of
resistance genes. The equations with appropriate boundary conditions were solved using
implicit-explicit scheme. A sequential iterative technique was used to solve the non-linear partial
differential equations. In this approach, the advection part was discretized based on the
Monotone Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) which is globally second-order
accurate and non-oscillatory. The diffusive part was approximated by a second-order central
difference. Finite difference approximations of transport equations were written, with reference
to the finite difference grid method.
The developed model was applied to Musi River, was calibrated and validated with observed
field data. The model was able to reproduce similar spatial pattern to observed data. Sensitivity
analysis and uncertainty analysis was performed to understand the effect of stochasticity in
model parameters on unpredictability in the end results. The sources of uncertainty were grouped
into environmental, demographic and anthropogenic stochasticity, and Poisson distribution was
employed for diffusion approximation of model parameters and variables. With this exercise, we
were able to identify that, variation in the population of resistant bacteria in sediments were
insignificant due to stochastic nature of model parameters and variables. Hypothetical
management scenarios were simulated with the model to predict the concentration of antibiotic
resistant bacteria. Results from the simulation of different hypothetical cases suggested that
concentration of antibiotic, organic matter, segregation and horizontal transfer rate of resistance
gene majorly dictates the population of antibiotic resistant bacteria. As it is costly to remove
antibiotics from effluents of bulk drug manufacturing industries, emphasis can be given to
reducing organic matter which can limit the growth rate of bacteria and can reduce total bacterial
population in the river. Reduction in antibiotic concentration can reduce the selection pressure
and can minimize the river segment with resistant bacteria, but complete removal of antibiotics
may not result in complete elimination of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
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