Baswade, Anand M and Beltramelli, Luca and Antony, Franklin and Gidlund, Mikael and Tamma, Bheemarjuna Reddy and Guntupalli, Lakshmikanth
Modelling and Analysis of Wi-Fi and LAA Coexistence with Priority Classes.
In: 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 15-17 October 2018, Limassol, Cyprus.
The Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) is shown asa required technology to avoid overcrowding of the licensedbands by the increasing cellular traffic. Proposed by 3GPP,LAA uses a Listen Before Talk (LBT) and backoff mechanismsimilar to Wi-Fi. While many mathematical models have beenproposed to study the problem of the coexistence of LAAand Wi-Fi systems, few have tackled the problem of QoSprovisioning, and in particular analysed the behaviour of thevarious classes of priority available in Wi-Fi and LAA. Thispaper presents a new mathematical model to investigate theperformance of different priority classes in coexisting Wi-Fi andLAA networks. Using Discrete Time Markov Chains, we modelthe saturation throughput of all eight priority classes used byWi-Fi and LAA. The numerical results show that with the 3GPPproposed parameters, a fair coexistence between Wi-Fi and LAAcannot be achieved. Wi-Fi users in particular suffer a significantdegradation of their performance caused by the collision withLAA transmissions which has a longer duration compared toWi-Fi transmissions.
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