Giluka, Mukesh Kumar and Tamma, Bheemarjuna Reddy
MAC Layer Enhancements to Support IoT Traffic
in Wireless Networks.
PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology hyderabad.
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Today's world is of emerging Internet of Things (IoT) which has the capability to create a
new trend of technological innovation by adding `smartness' to each component of various
industries such as healthcare, transportation, home automation, and power grid systems.
Presently, IoT is being supported by some existing communication technologies. But, its
rapid growth will pose signi�cant challenges to the standardisation bodies to develop new
technologies to support it e�ciently.
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is one of the components of IoT which deals
with networking and communication segment. The main characteristics of M2M commu-
nication include large number of low-power, low-cost, low-range IoT/M2M devices, high
uplink to downlink tra�c generation ratio, small packet sizes (e.g., 100 bytes), and infre-
quent data generation.
Traditional radio access technologies (RATs) such as LTE-A and Wi-Fi are mainly
designed to support human-to-human communication (H2H) and human-to-machine com-
munication (H2M). Examples of H2H/H2M applications include Internet browsing, smart-
phone applications, VoIP, and video streaming. Because of several characteristic di�erences
between M2M and H2H/H2M communication, incorporation of IoT/M2M poses many chal-
lenges in di�erent layers of network protocol stack starting from application layer to physical
layer. RATs mostly deal with physical layer (PHY) and medium access control layer (MAC),
hence these two layers change with di�erent wireless technologies such as LTE-A, Wi-Fi,
and Zigbee. This thesis focuses on MAC layer enhancements to support IoT/M2M tra�c
in wireless networks.
Medium access mechanisms of wireless networks can be broadly classi�ed into three ap-
proaches viz., contention-free, contention-based, and hybrid. In contention-free approach,
channel resources are exclusively allocated to devices to avoid collisions. TDMA, FDMA,
CDMA and OFDMA are examples of the MAC layer protocols based on contention-free
medium access mechanism. In contention-based approach, in order to occupy the chan-
nel for data transmission, all devices need to contend for the channel which may result
in collision when more than one device try to contend simultaneously. CSMA, ALOHA,
Slotted ALOHA, and CSMA/CA are examples the MAC layer protocols which follow
contention-based medium access mechanism. Hybrid approach inherits the concepts from
both contention-based and contention-free approaches. Medium access mechanism followed
in MAC layer of IEEE 802.11ah is an example of hybrid approach. In this thesis, we explore
all three approaches and study the issues related to these approaches due to the incorpo-
ration of IoT tra�c in contemporary networks. As a contribution, the thesis proposes
solutions to some of the issues to facilitate IoT tra�c in these networks.
Medium access mechanism in LTE-A networks follows contention-free approach. LTE-A
networks were initially designed to support H2H/H2M tra�c but due to di�erent character-
istics of IoT/M2M tra�c, its incorporation in these networks will impose several challenges.
One of these challenges is e�cient radio resource allocation between H2H and M2M tra�c.
As a solution, we propose three uplink packet scheduling schemes viz., class based priority
(CBP) scheduling, class based dynamic priority (CBDP) scheduling, and enhanced class
based dynamic priority scheduling (E-CBDP) schemes. These schemes classify both H2H
and M2M tra�c among di�erent classes based on their real-timeness and reliability require-
ments. Further, these classes are assigned priorities. Hence, priority of tra�c belonging to
class-1 will be highest and it will decrease as the class number increases.
CBP scheme separately allocates radio resources, also called as physical resource blocks
(PRBs) to H2H and M2M tra�c. The scheme reserves a larger chunk of PRBs for H2H
tra�c to ensure its quality of service (QoS). The main goal of the scheme is to maximise
the QoS satisfaction of M2M tra�c without or least a�ecting the QoS of H2H tra�c. We
evaluate the scheme classwise (both H2H and M2M tra�c are classi�ed into four classes)
and compare its performance with some contemporary schemes based on the metrics delay,
percentage of packet dropped, throughput, fairness, and energy consumption. The proposed
scheme performs best for all the metrics of all classes of H2H and class-1 and class-2 of M2M
but worst for class-3 and class-4 of M2M.
In order to address the drawbacks of CBP scheme, the thesis proposes CBDP scheme
which is di�erent from CBP scheme in the following ways: (i) no resource reservation for
M2M and (ii) data packets are switched from low priority classes to high priority classes
if not served within a particular time limit to avoid starvation. The simulation results
show improvement in the performance of M2M. To enhance the performance of H2H, we
further modi�ed CBDP scheme and proposed enhanced CBDP (E-CBDP) scheme. Here,
switching of M2M tra�c to higher priority classes is dynamically controlled based on the
performance of H2H tra�c in a particular time window. As a result, performance of H2H
improves further.
Downlink/uplink decoupling (DUDe) in LTE-A networks allows a device to perform
uplink communication with one cell and downlink communication with another cell. In
heterogeneous network scenarios where single Macro cell (eNodeB) and multiple small cells
exist, DUDe can be used to facilitate M2M in the following two ways: (i) energy e�cient
uplink communication where the M2M device connects in uplink with a nearer cell which
is either Macro or small cell, thereby saves its energy and (ii) more D2D (device-to-device
communication) pairs can be enabled under a cell due to shifting of some of the devices to
another cell for uplink communication. In this thesis, we investigate the above advantages
of DUDe favorable for M2M communication under contention-free approach of medium
access. Our investigation reveals that spectral e�ciency increases and average transmit
power per device decreases if DUDe is performed in the decoupling region (i.e., a region
between Macro cell and small cell which is suitable for performing decoupling). Further,
we observe that due to the reduction in the transmit power per device, interference in the
vicinity of the devices decreases. As a result, more number of D2D pairs can be enabled
which was not possible earlier due to higher interference created by the devices performing
uplink with the Macro or small cell.
Random access channel (RACH) procedure in LTE-A networks is a contention-based
approach. As the large number of devices are associated with IoT/M2M communication,
their simultaneous access to the network may cause RACH congestion which may lead to
excessive delay in performing RACH procedure. Several solutions have been proposed in
the literature to alleviate the RACH congestion caused by massive number of IoT/M2M
devices. The main objective of these solutions is to provide uninterrupted connectivity to
H2H or non-IoT devices as well as to save the network from reaching to a defunct state
because of IoT/M2M devices. Extended access barring (EAB) is one among such solutions
in which IoT/M2M devices are barred from accessing the network for an inde�nite amount of
time when congestion in the network goes above a particular level. After studying di�erent
EAB algorithms and analysing the performance of the standard EAB algorithm through
extensive simulations, we reach to the conclusion that an ideal EAB based solution should
have the following properties: (i) it should follow the EAB mechanism, (ii) impact of the
solution on H2H devices should be analysed, and (iii) triggering condition for barring or
unbarring of M2M devices should not be periodic but should be based on the tra�c load
in the network. Most of the EAB based solutions in the literature lack some or all of above
three properties. Apart from this, even if a solution has these properties, the algorithm to
choose which class to bar or unbar signi�cantly a�ects the performance of EAB con�gured
M2M devices. In this thesis, we propose an EAB based solution which has the above three
properties. The proposed EAB algorithm implements a new method of barring or unbarring
of M2M devices. By doing this, signifficant improvement can be achieved in the performance
of M2M devices in terms of success rate, average end-to-end delay, and average number of
IEEE 802.11ah follows a hybrid approach of medium access to support M2M commu-
nication in Wi-Fi networks. It is realized by providing contention-based access of channel
to a particular set of IoT/M2M devices for a limited amount of time window, called as
restricted access window (RAW). Further, in order to reduce the contention, the RAW is
again divided into time slots called as RAW slots (of the order of tens of milliseconds) where
a subset of IoT/M2M devices are allowed to perform contention-based access for their up-
link data transmission. This thesis models the medium access mechanism of IEEE 802.11ah
using a three dimensional Markov chain. The motivation for this modeling is because of
the possibility that data transmission by a device may not finish within the RAW slot time.
As a result, the device has to freeze its transmission and resume in next scheduled slot.
The modeling covers this behavior of the MAC layer and provides a formula for normalized
throughput. Further, simulation results show that throughput decreases with the increase
in the number of IoT/M2M devices in a RAW slot. However, vary in RAW slot sizes has
no signifficant impact on throughput.
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