Microstructural influence on piezoresponse and leakage current behavior of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 Thin Films

Miriyala, Kumaraswamy and Ramadurai, Ranjit (2016) Microstructural influence on piezoresponse and leakage current behavior of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 Thin Films. MRS Advances, 1 (37). pp. 2597-2602. ISSN 2059-8521

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Sodium bismuth titanate (Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3: NBT) a lead free piezoelectric; exhibits promising features such that it could be an alternate to lead based piezoelectrics. In this work, we report the microstructural influence on piezoelectric and leakage current behavior of NBT thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation (PLD). Various microstructural features like coarse faceted grains and fine spherical grains was achieved by effective optimization of substrate temperature and oxygen partial pressures. The studies reveals that, leakage current of NBT thin films were dominated by interface limited modified Schottky emission type of conduction. The piezoelectric domain studies reveal that for NBT thin films with fine spherical grain the domain pattern was highly dominated by the morphology and in the case of coarse faceted grains the domains were relatively large and the domains were extending beyond the grain boundaries.

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Ramadurai, Ranjithttp://orcid.org/0000-0003-2991-0027
Item Type: Article
Subjects: Materials Engineering > Materials engineering
Divisions: Department of Material Science Engineering
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2017 07:05
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2017 07:05
URI: http://raiithold.iith.ac.in/id/eprint/3659
Publisher URL: https://doi.org/10.1557/adv.2016.350
OA policy: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2059-8521/
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