Mittal, Gaurav and Marwah, Tanya and Balasubramanian, Vineeth N
Sync-DRAW: Automatic Video Generation using Deep Recurrent Attentive Architectures.
pp. 1-9.
is paper introduces a novel approach for generating videos called
Synchronized Deep Recurrent A�entive Writer (Sync-DRAW). Sync-
DRAW can also perform text-to-video generation which, to the best
of our knowledge, makes it the �rst approach of its kind. It com-
bines a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) with a Recurrent A�ention
Mechanism in a novel manner to create a temporally dependent
sequence of frames that are gradually formed over time. �e recur-
rent a�ention mechanism in Sync-DRAW a�ends to each individual
frame of the video in sychronization, while the VAE learns a latent
distribution for the entire video at the global level. Our experiments
with Bouncing MNIST, KTH and UCF-101 suggest that Sync-DRAW
is e�cient in learning the spatial and temporal information of the
videos and generates frames with high structural integrity, and can
generate videos from simple captions on these datasets.
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