Gali, Sahith and K V L, Subramaniam
Role of Steel Fibers in Shear Resistance of Beams in Arch Action.
In: 71st RILEM Annual Week & ICACMS, 03-08,September, 2017, Chennai, IIT Madras.
Reinforced concrete beams
with discrete hooked-end steel fibe
rs were tested with a shear
span to depth ratio equal to 1.8. Digital im
age correlation (DIC) technique was used to obtain
the full-field displacements from the beam
during the load response. The formation and
propagation of a shear crack which directly
influences the load response and peak load in the
load response of the beam is moni
tored using the displacement fr
om the DIC measurements.
There is a continuous slip across the crack face
s of the shear crack with increasing load
carrying capacity up to the peak load. The shear crack exhibits a dilatant behavior with
increasing slip. Failure in control beams
is brittle which was by the opening of dominant
shear crack in shear span at a small value of
crack opening. At the peak load, the shear crack
pattern in fiber reinforced conc
rete was identical to the crack pattern in the control beam. The
dilatant behavior from
the measured crack opening a
nd crack slip displacements obtained
from the control and the SFRC beams is identical.
The fiber reinforced concrete beams
exhibit a ductile response with a post peak load car
rying capacity even after the continued
opening of the dominant shear crack.
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