Mondal, T Ghosh and Kothamuthyala, S R and S, Suriya Prakash
An improved hysteresis model for circular reinforced and square reinforced concrete columns under cyclic torsional loading.
In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 9-13 January, 2017, Santiago Chile.
It has been observed in the past that, reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns are, very often, subjected to torsional
moment in addition to flexure and shear during seismic vibration. However, the torsional moment is generally ignored in
typical design pr
actices. Previous studies
that, ignoring torsional moment may lead to brittle shear failure of the
columns triggering collapse of the entire or part of the bridge structure. Therefore,
rational models n
ed to be developed to
consider the effect
of torsion
in the design of RC bridge columns. Performance based seis
mic design is an emerging design
concept which calls for accurate prediction of the hysteresis behavior of structural elements to ensure safe and sustainable
design under earthquake loadi
ng. However, very few investigations in the past focused on the development of analytical
model to accurately predict the response of RC members under cyclic torsion. Though quite a good number of models are
available for prediction of shear and flexural h
ysteresis, they are not readily applicable for torsion owing to significant
pinching and stiffness degradation associated with torsional loading. Hysteresis models taking into account pinching and
stiffness degradation effect under cyclic torsional loading
are scarce. The present study aims at filling this knowledge gap
by proposing a
n improved
polygonal hysteresis model which can accurately predict the hysteretic behavior of RC circular
and square
columns under torsion. The proposed empirical model is vali
dated through experimental data o
two circular
and two square columns
tested under pure torsion
. Close correlation is observed between the predicted and
twist curves
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