Three-dimensional electrospun micropatterned cellulose acetate nanofiber surfaces with tunable wettability

Kakunuri, M and Wanasekara, N D and Sharma, Chandra Shekhar and Khandelwal, Mudrika and Eichhorn, S J (2017) Three-dimensional electrospun micropatterned cellulose acetate nanofiber surfaces with tunable wettability. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134 (15). p. 44709. ISSN 0021-8995

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Three-dimensional polymer nanofibrous mats with tunable wettability have been fabricated using a single step non-conductive template assisted electrospinning process. Cellulose acetate nanofibers are electrospun over a nylon mesh, which acts as the template. The as-deposited fiber mat is removed from this template to produce a free standing three-dimensional micropatterned nanofibrous mat. By simply varying the template mesh dimensions, the fraction of the air-liquid interface can be changed which allows control of the wetting mechanics. It is shown that the water contact angle can be varied from about 30° for a planar network to about 140° for a patterned mat implying a complete transition from hydrophilic to hydrophobic behavior. Furthermore, upon stretching the fiber mat loses its pattern irreversibly and reducing the contact angle from 140° to 110° with increasing stretching. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2017, 134, 44709.

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Sharma, Chandra ShekharUNSPECIFIED
Khandelwal, MudrikaUNSPECIFIED
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: electrospinning; hydrophobic fiber mat; patterned nanofabric; template assisted patterning
Subjects: Materials Engineering > Materials engineering
Chemical Engineering > Biochemical Engineering
Divisions: Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Material Science Engineering
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2017 10:36
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2017 11:20
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