Sharma, Prashant
LWIR: LTE-WLAN Integration at RLC Layer with Integrated LTE-WLAN Scheduler for Efficient Aggregation.
Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Mobile data tra
c has seen an exponential growth in the past few years with the similar trend
expected to continue. Long Term Evolution (LTE) as a standalone cellular networking technology
will not be able to keep pace with the increasing tra
c demands. In the meanwhile, Wireless
LAN (WLAN) has proven itself as an economical wireless access technology. 3GPP has thus been
encouraged to standardize the integration of WLAN with LTE. LTE-WLAN integration at Radio
Access Network (RAN) level o
ers tighter link level aggregation with enhanced system performance
compared to other WLAN inter-working and o
oading mechanisms. Having LTE as the anchor
for both networks, it provides uni
ed control over both networks without any changes in LTE Core
Network (CN).
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