Deppisch, F F and Gonzalo, T E and Patra, S and Sahu, Narendra and Sarkar, U
Double beta decay, lepton flavor violation, and collider signatures of left-right symmetric models with spontaneous D-parity breaking.
Physical Review D, 91 (1).
ISSN 1550-7998
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We propose a class of left-right symmetric models (LRSMs) with spontaneous D-parity breaking, where SU(2)R breaks at the TeV scale while discrete left-right symmetry breaks around 109 GeV. By embedding this framework in a nonsupersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT) with Pati-Salam symmetry as the highest intermediate breaking step, we obtain gR/gL≈0.6 between the right- and left-handed gauge couplings at the TeV scale. This leads to a suppression of beyond the Standard Model phenomena induced by the right-handed gauge coupling. Here we focus specifically on the consequences for neutrinoless double beta decay, low-energy lepton flavor violation, and LHC signatures due to the suppressed right handed currents. Interestingly, the reduced gR allows us to interpret an excess of events observed recently in the range of 1.9 to 2.4 TeV by the CMS group at the LHC as the signature of a right-handed gauge boson in LRSMs with spontaneous D-parity breaking. Moreover, the reduced right-handed gauge coupling also strongly suppresses the nonstandard contribution of heavy states to the neutrinoless double beta decay rate as well as the amplitude of low-energy lepton flavor violating processes. In a dominant type-II seesaw mechanism of neutrino mass generation, we find that both sets of observables provide stringent and complimentary bounds which make it challenging to observe the scenario at the LHC
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