Evolution of multifunctional behavior in site specific cation substituted Na0.5Bi0.45Gd0.05Ti0.95Mn0.05O3 ceramics

Karthik, T and Asthana, Saket (2013) Evolution of multifunctional behavior in site specific cation substituted Na0.5Bi0.45Gd0.05Ti0.95Mn0.05O3 ceramics. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 62 (12). pp. 1979-1984. ISSN 0374-4884

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A novel multifunctional behavior was observed by site specific cation substitution in NBT ceramics prepared by conventional solid state reaction technique. X-ray diffraction studies revealed very weak orthorhombic phase co-existence in co-substituted NBT system along with the primary R3c phase. Raman spectroscopy of NBT-GM ceramics reveals a substantial change in all phonon modes in terms of suppression and frequency shift, indicates that the substitution affects the nature of cation displacement, octahedral tilt and further the Bi-O, Ti-O hybridization. Reduced polarization value in NBT-GM ceramics with non-saturated hysteresis loops evidences the suppression of ferroelectricity. Temperature dependent magnetization measurements from R.T to 2.5K in NBTGM ceramics show the occurrence of spin-paramagnetic behavior. Susceptibility plots show some evidence for weak AFM interaction between Mn4+ ions at low temperatures below 30K. UV-Vis spectroscopy measurements reveal the indirect transition allowed band gap nature for both NBT and NBT-GM ceramics with a slight increase in band gap value for NBT-GM ceramics. Photoluminescence measurements show a strong blue emission at ∼390nm (3.18 eV) in Gd-Mn substituted NBT system, which corresponds to the radiative transition from 4 T 1g → 4 A 2g energy levels of Mn4+-ions.

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Asthana, Sakethttp://orcid.org/0000-0002-6420-3304
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ferroelectricity; Photoluminescence; Raman spectroscopy; Spin-paramagnetism; X-ray diffraction
Subjects: Physics
Divisions: Department of Physics
Depositing User: Team Library
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2014 10:04
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2017 09:51
URI: http://raiithold.iith.ac.in/id/eprint/1054
Publisher URL: https://doi.org/10.3938/jkps.62.1979
OA policy: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/0374-4884/
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