TeV scale modified type-II seesaw mechanism and dark matter in a gauged U(1)B−L symmetric model

Ghosh, Purusottam and Mahapatra, Satyabrata and Narendra, Nimmala and Sahu, Narendra (2022) TeV scale modified type-II seesaw mechanism and dark matter in a gauged U(1)B−L symmetric model. Physical Review D, 106 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2470-0010

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In an endeavor to explain the light neutrino masses and dark matter (DM) simultaneously, we study a gauged U(1)B-L extension of the standard model (SM). The neutrino masses are generated through a variant of type-II seesaw mechanism in which one of the scalar triplets has a mass in a scale that is accessible at the present generation colliders. Three SM singlet right chiral fermions χiR (i=e, μ, τ) with B-L charges -4, -4, +5 are invoked to cancel the B-L gauge anomalies and the lightest one among these three fermions becomes a viable DM candidate as their stability is guaranteed by a remnant Z2 symmetry to which U(1)B-L gauge symmetry gets spontaneously broken. Interestingly in this scenario, the neutrino mass and the coannihilation of DM are interlinked through the breaking of U(1)B-L symmetry. Apart from giving rise to the observed neutrino mass and dark matter abundance, the model also predicts exciting signals at the colliders. Especially we see a significant enhancement in the production cross section of the TeV scale doubly charged scalar in presence of the ZBL gauge boson. We discuss all the relevant constraints on model parameters from observed DM abundance and null detection of DM at direct and indirect search experiments as well as the constraints on the B-L gauge boson from recent colliders. © 2022 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.

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IITH Creators:
IITH CreatorsORCiD
Item Type: Article
Additional Information: S. M. would like to acknowledge Alexander Belyaev and Alexander Pukhov for useful discussions. S. M. also thanks A. Das and P. S. B. Dev for useful discussions. P. G. would like to acknowledge the support from DAE, India for the Regional Centre for Accelerator based Particle Physics (RECAPP), Harish Chandra Research Institute. N. S. acknowledges the support from Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)- Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Government of India (Ref. Number: 58/14/15/2021-BRNS/37220).
Uncontrolled Keywords: light neutrino masses and dark matter (DM), χiR (i=e, μ, τ) with B-L charges -4, -4, +5 ,B-L gauge anomalies
Subjects: Physics
Divisions: Department of Physics
Depositing User: . LibTrainee 2021
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2022 06:03
Last Modified: 06 Aug 2022 06:03
URI: http://raiithold.iith.ac.in/id/eprint/10111
Publisher URL: http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.106.015001
OA policy: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/32263
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